Registration fees

Registration fees

including 27% VAT

Opening hours of the registration

Sunday, 1 October, 10:00-18:00
Monday, 2 October, 8:00-18:00
Tuesday, 3 October, 8:00-18:00
Wednesday, 4 October, 8:00-14:00

The organizers offer virtual participation for those how cannot come to Budapest for the Congress.

The programs of the Plenary Room, including all MP Sessions and Room View 5 including 9 Slide Seminars will be available via zoom.
For details, please see Program-at-a-Glance.

Virtual participants will have access to the slides of the Slide Seminars and to the mobile application of the Congress with the abstracts and other interesting features.

 until 20.09.2023from 21.09.2023
Delegate, EFCS member*690 EUR775 EUR
Delegate non-member740 EUR795 EUR
Students and residents510 EUR650 EUR
Cytotechnicians510 EUR650 EUR

*Coming from a coutry that is a member of the EFCS. For the list of the member contries, please visit:

Participants are entitled to the following services
  • Admission to the scientific program via Zoom (Plenary Room and Room View 5)
  • Congress mobile application
Procedure of payment

(bank charges must be paid by the Registrant)

1) online by bank card via a secure bank connection
2) via bank draft made payable to K&M Congress, account no: IBAN HU28 1040 0212 5052 6666 7250 1014, K&H Bank, H-1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9. Swift code: OKHBHUHB

In case of cancellation
  • until 1 August 2023: 80 percent refund of the fees paid;
  • after 1 August 2023: no refund.

Refund requests must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat in writing before 1 August 2023.


Between August 1 and September 20, 2023, we accept name or other data changes that must not be service cancellation

Registration office

The registration office of the congress in Foyer M will open at 10:00 am on Sunday, 1 October.
Please contact our colleagues there with your requests. We look forward to meeting you soon in Budapest.

 early bird until 12.03.2023regular 13.03.2023 – 20.09.2023on-site from 21.09.2023daily ticket
Delegate, EFCS member*630 EUR690 EUR775 EUR225 EUR
Delegate non-member680 EUR740 EUR795 EUR250 EUR
Students and residents450 EUR510 EUR650 EUR165 EUR
Cytotechnicians450 EUR510 EUR650 EUR165 EUR
Slide seminars (SL)95 EUR/seminar
Company personnel450 EUR510 EUR650 EUR

*Coming from a coutry that is a member of the EFCS. For the list of the member contries, please visit:

Participants are entitled to the following services
  • Admission to the scientific program
  • Congress mobile application
  • Coffee and refreshment during the breaks
  • Buffet lunch
  • Welcome Party (not included in the daily ticket) 
Procedure of payment

(bank charges must be paid by the Registrant)

1) online by bank card via a secure bank connection
2) via bank draft made payable to K&M Congress, account no: IBAN HU28 1040 0212 5052 6666 7250 1014, K&H Bank, H-1095 Budapest, Lechner Ödön fasor 9. Swift code: OKHBHUHB

In case of cancellation
  • until 1 August 2023: 80 percent refund of the fees paid;
  • after 1 August 2023: no refund.

Refund requests must be submitted to the Conference Secretariat in writing before 1 August 2023.


Between August 1 and September 20, 2023, we accept name or other data changes that must not be service cancellation

Registration office

The registration office of the congress in Foyer M will open at 10:00 am on Sunday, 1 October.
Please contact our colleagues there with your requests. We look forward to meeting you soon in Budapest.