Free Papers 3

View 3 Room 3 October 2023 10:30 - 11:30

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10:30–10:40Surendra Kumar, JIPMER , Puducherry, India.: High-risk HPV DNA detection in Oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma by using liquid based cytology vs tissue biopsy by genotype specific PCR
10:40–10:50Irina Kruglova, City Hospital No.35 Niznii Novgorod / laboratory: Search for circulating tumor cells in patients with urothelial cancer
10:50–11:00Ram Nawal Rao, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, UP, India, 226014: BRAF Mutation on Cellblocks from FNA of Follicular Pattern of Thyroid Lesions
11:00–11:10Jindřich Lukáš, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic: Clinical and Molecular Genetic Analysis of Cytologically Uncertain Thyroid Nodules in Patients with Thyroid Disease
11:10–11:20Cisel Aydın Mericoz, Koc University, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology: Preanalytical Processes Impact on Sample Quality in Next-Generation Sequencing
11:20–11:30Olcay Kurtulan, Hacettepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology: Bias in the Interpretation of Thyroid Cytopathology when Molecular Test Results Are Known