Companion Meetings (CM)

IAC/EFCS: WHO Reporting Systems for Cytopathology: New releases

View 3-4 Room 1 October 2023 15:30 - 17:00

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Chairperson: Ashish Chandra

15:30–15:40Ashish Chandra, St Thomas’ Hospital: Opening Remarks and Introduction
15:40–16:00Fernando Schmitt, Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto: Overview and brief update of the original systems: Lung, Pancreatobiliary, Lymph nodes, and Soft Tissue
16:00–16:20Martha Pitman, Cytopathology Laboratory and Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy Service, Harvard Medical School: The WHO Reporting System for Liver Cytopathology: the system and the controversies
16:20–16:40Pepe Jimenez-Heffernan, Hospital Universitario de La Princesa · Servicio de Anatomía Patológica: The WHO Reporting System for Kidney and Adrenal Cytopathology: the system and its applications
16:40–17:00Andrew S. Field, St Vincent Pathology: The WHO Reporting System for Breast Cytopathology: the system and recent researc
17:00–17:30Discussion, Q&A