“Realities, and dreams of the young cortex”
A Panel Discussion between the generations on Mentorship and Sponsorship
Eva M. Wojcik, Loyola University Health System, USA
Christina Kåbjörn Gustafsson, Ryhov Hospital Jönköping, Sweden
Despina Argyropoulou, Hospital Garcia de Orta, Portugal
Gajdzis Pawel, Uniwersytecki Szpital Kliniczny we Wrocławiu, Poland
István Kovács, MEDSERV Kft, Hungary
The YEFCS Melting Point Session will host a panel discussion on Mentorship, inviting all those present to a conversation, regardless of their professional experience. Closely connected to this session a Slide Seminar is going to take place that should cover intriguing cases that represent the cooperation of an experienced cytologist mentor and a dedicated mentee. We hope to engage in an open discussion.