Melting Point Sessions (MP)

MP 9 Molecular Cytology: Skip the tissue. Is the cytological sample still relevant in liquid biopsy era?

Grand Budapest Ballroom 2 October 2023 17:30 - 19:00

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Chairpersons: Giancarlo Troncone, Claudio Bellevicine

17:30–17:50Pasquale Pisapia, Department of Public Health University of Naples: In tissue we trust. The POV of a young cytopathologist on the pivotal role of cytopathology for molecular testing
17:50–18:10Umberto Malapelle, Department of Public Health University of Naples: Going liquid. Searching for molecular alterations in bloodstream to musealize cytopathology
18:10–18:30Ivana Kholová, Department of Pathology, Fimlab Laboratories, and Tampere University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology: When liquid biopsy is not enough: morphological and immunocytochemical predictive features.
18:30–18:50Guido Fadda, University of Messina: LBC as an additional “liquid” source for molecular testing
18:50–19:00Discussion, Q&A