Poster authors will be available for viewers to ask questions about their research and how it is represented on the poster.
Margareta Strojan Fležar, Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana: Comparison of Paris System for Reporting Urinary Cytology Categories on Samples Prepared by ThinPrep and Modified Membrane Filtration
Yoon Jung Choi, Department of Pathology, Yongin Severance Hospital, Yonsei University, College of Medicine: Ongoing Pandemic: A 2022 Nationwide Survey of Current Cytopathology Practices in Korea by the Korean Society for Cytopathology
Gyungyub Gong, Department of Pathology, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine,: Development of CytoAcademy: A New Web and Mobile-based E-learning Platform for Cytopathologists and Cytologists by the Korean Society for Cytopathology in the Post-pandemic Era.
Márton Szentkereszty, Országos Onkológiai Intézet: Diagnosing soft tissue tumors in our institute
Vesna Šimić, UHC Zagreb: CT-guided Transthoracic Needle Procedures- Accuracy and Safety of Cytology
Ilias Nikas, European University Cyprus: Ki-67 Expression in Breast Cancer Serous Effusions
Irina Kruglova, City Hospital No.35 Niznii Novgorod / laboratory: Personalized approach in immunocytochemical diagnostics of effusion fluids in ovarian cancer using the SER-1 test system
Carme Dinarès, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona (Spain).: Next-generation sequencing in cytology: description of our series in advanced-stage lung adenocarcinoma cases.
Olga Voronova, PHI “Clinical Hospital “RZhD-Medicine” of Rostov-on-Don”.: Сytomorphological features of scleroatrophic lichen of the penis.
Olga Voronova, PHI “Clinical Hospital “RZhD-Medicine” of Rostov-on-Don”.: Сlinical and cytomorphological analysis of the pathology of the glandular epithelium of the cervix in women of reproductive age.
Carme Dinarès, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona (Spain).: Practical cytopathology online course using whole slide imaging. Experience in two editions.
Vassiliki Mamali, General Hospital of Patras “St.Andrew”, Greece: Cytological Diagnosis of Tonsils Squamous Cancer by Cervical Lymph Node FNA. Report of a Case
Biljana Jelić Puškarić, Department of Pathology and Cytology, Clinical Hospital Merkur, Zagreb, Croatia: Merkel Cell Carcinoma in a Patient with Follicular Lymphoma
Mia Sunjic Stakor, Merkur University Hospital/Department of pathology and cytology: Fine-needle aspiration cytology of testis in evaluation of male infertility
Cisel Aydin Mericoz, Koç University Hospital, Department of Pathology: Maximizing Molecular Insights: Harnessing Imprint Slides for Next Generation Sequencing in Solid Tumors
Sonsoles Aso Manso, Complejo Hospitalario Universitary Toledo: Is it possible to apply Sidney system in Castleman disease? Experience in a tertiary Hospital.
Bence Nagy, Szegedi Tudományegyetem SZAKK Pathológiai Intézet: Fungal activity and effect on neoplastic changes
Ljubica Fustar Preradovic, Special Hospital AGRAM: Cytology in Diagnose Primary non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Salivary Gland: Single Institution Experience
Jamal Musayev, Baku Pathology Center, Baku, Azerbaijan: The Diagnostic Value of Nipple Discharge Cytology: Study of 929 Smears of 576 Cases
Jamal Musayev, Baku Pathology Center, Baku, Azerbaijan: Cytology of Breast Cyst Aspirations: Impact of the International Academy of Cytology Yokohama System for Reporting Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Cytopathology
Anna Szente, National Institute of Oncology, Department of Cytology (Budapest, Hungary): Endoscopic ultrasound (EUH) – guided cytodiagnostics of pancreatic solid lesions with a review of the new WHO classification of pancretobiliary cytology