Arjola Xhaja, MVZ Cytomol: Digital Cytology compared to a Standard Imaging system in the context of a co-testing program
Allan Wilson, University Hospital Monklands: Comparison of the Hologic Genius Digital Diagnostics System with the ThinPrep Imaging System -A Retrospective assessment of data from the Monkland lab (Scotland)
Gerd Böhmer, Claudia Stolte, IZD Hannover: Does AI guided cytology improve the overall quality? – First results from a prospective study
Allan Wilson, University Hospital Monklands: Comparison of the Hologic Genius Digital Diagnostics System with the ThinPrep Imaging System -A Retrospective assessment of data from the Monkland lab (Scotland)
Gerd Böhmer, Claudia Stolte, IZD Hannover: Does AI guided cytology improve the overall quality? – First results from a prospective study